Academic Writing Prompts: A List Of Great Ideas For Your Thesis

Importance of academic writing prompts for thesis-

A great thesis paper is not only made from a perfect structure and back-breaking ground work, but also from a great topic idea. Going through Academic writing prompts will help in curving out a visible roadmap ahead of you, to choose the topic for your paper. Visiting the library of your academic institution as well as searching the internet will open the door of many writing prompts related to your field.

The qualities of a solid thesis idea

A catchy topic for your paper will score you brownie points – both in evaluation and also during aggregate marks. If you are a student of any streams of social science, then you must take it as a challenge as- just observing your surroundings can open a can of ideas for you. The topic should be such that it must make your paper stand out amidst the clutter.

How to infuse life inside of your idea?

Formulating a great idea is not enough. It has to show mettle while typing it on paper. Apart from following the correct format, you must do some real ground-work to source the materials regarding your topic. Besides including statistical data, you must do real life interviews or surveys to make your paper more realistic. Also revising and re-editing are two must-to-do elements for your paper.

12 ideas for thesis papers from various subjects of Social Science -

  • Women’s participation in WWII from USA and Europe and how they fared in life once the war was over. (History)

  • The influences that the coal mining industry of England had on the contemporary society, literature and morality. (History).

  • The consequences that opening the door of Walmart will have on a developing economic model like India. (Economics)

  • The contribution of homemakers in national GDP of USA in 2014. (Economics)

  • The wining of voting rights of Women in Saudi Arabia and its future implications. (Political Science)

  • The role of church in Medieval England for shaping up the political power.( Political Science)

  • The superstitions of Texas and how they pass off as traditions. (Sociology)

  • The guilt of 21st century working woman and how the media bolsters it. (Sociology)

  • School bullying in USA –the mapping of the psychology of the offenders. ( Psychology)

  • The influence of fairy tales on a girl child. ( Psychology)

  • The settlement of disputed areas between India and its neighbors- through peaceful mediums. (Law)

  • The flawed domestic violence law system in South-East Asian countries. (Law)

