Undergraduate Dissertation Ideas: How To Come Up With A Good One

There is a lot of pressure to get things absolutely right when you are writing a dissertation and the first big pressure is to come up with a really good topic. Remember that your topic is going to take up a lot of your time so you really need to not just be interested in your topic you really need to love it.

You could start by asking other students how they have found their ideas for their dissertation. You could also go to your professor and ask if they have some ideas. But at the end of the day, the focus needs to come from you.

Find a list

  • Have a look online for websites that can provide you with all sorts of lists.
  • Take a bit of time to have a look at the lists and see if you can find several that may interest you.
  • Pick out about 20 that you feel may interest you. Then sort them into three categories: topics that you think you would like to work with; topics that you may like to work with and topics that are really not going to work for you now you have had a think about it.
  • Just using the list of 3-4 topics that really interest you, extent the ideas through brainstorming. You will find that 1 or 2 of the topics will appeal to you the most.


  • One of the best ways of getting a good grade is by being original.
  • Look at and review articles, is it possible that you could replicate it using new technologies.
  • Using data fro
  • m different dissertations can you apply this to an idea of your own?
  • Read published articles, look at the discussions and ideas for future work – is this something that you could take on in your dissertation?

Now the research

  • Look at other dissertations that have a similar topic area to develop you knowledge of the content and the way that other researchers have handled the topic.
  • Check out other recent publications. This will give you areas that are most topical and at the same time will give you some ideas to take to your supervisor.
  • When you talk to your supervisor make sure that you have made a list of the issues that you want to talk to discuss. Ask for their advice and make sure that they feel your topic is appropriate.
  • Remember that this is your dissertation so make sure you are clear in your mind of what you hope to achieve through your work and that you will be happy with it as it will be part of your life for a long time especially if you have your work published.

